When a development studio called "Rancor Studios" approaches you for a logo, there's only one thing to do. 
I did however explore various avenues, before landing on the monstrous side profile of the famed Star Wars beast. Which you can find once you scroll past the final logo design below.
 Idea exploration -
As stated above, the Rancor head idea was the first idea I came up with, and one that I had my mind pretty much set on from the start. But as always I explored various different avenues. I also have to mention that the company name was originally "Rancore" and not Rancor, the name change came towards the end of the project and wasn't a spelling mistake on my part.
Colour palette exploration -
One of my favourite parts of a logo/branding project is applying colour palettes to it, in this case it really brings the logo to life. I think each of the palettes I chose could have made a case for the final product, with a different mood or aesthetic feel for each one. Eventually the client narrowed it down to 1 and 6, the blue option winning out in the end. 
A brand pack straight out of Jabba's palace
As with previous projects, I also supplied the client with a short brand pack, introducing the logo, laying out different variations of the logo and their uses, brand typography and the full breakdowns for the new colour palette.
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